Volume 1: Diesel Engine Efficiency and Emissions Reduction Innovations
In this volume: Advancements in diesel engine technology have been driven in recent decades by EPA regulations designed to improve local air quality, a goal that is distinct from reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This volume describes diverging views among fishermen regarding the fuel efficiency and other pros and cons of newer, computer-controlled engines developed in response to EPA air quality regulations.
Volume 2: Tools and Strategies to Enhance Propulsion Efficiency
In this volume: Whether towing mobile fishing gear or transiting between port and fixed gear locations, propulsion is typically the largest power draw on a fishing vessel. This volume explores real-world experiences, motivations, and barriers to adopting energy-efficient innovations, including three innovations featured in the interview questionnaire (fuel flow meters, bulbous bows, and propeller nozzles) as well as numerous innovations introduced by interviewees themselves.
Volume 3: Tools and Strategies to Enhance Non-Propulsion Efficiency
In this volume: Non-propulsion energy loads include deck machinery, refrigeration, lighting, hotel uses, and navigation equipment. In this volume, we explore real-world experiences, motivations, and barriers to adopting energy-efficient innovations, including four innovations featured in the interview questionnaire (load-sensing hydraulic pumps, electric deck machinery, LED lighting, and improved fish hold insulation) as well as numerous innovations introduced by interviewees themselves.
Volume 4: Electric and Hybrid Power and Propulsion
In this volume: This volume explores the feasibility, benefits, and challenges of adopting pure battery-electric and hybrid-electric systems to diesel-electric setups, and synthesizes fishermen’s perspectives on each type of system. The report highlights a need for further innovation, targeted incentives, and improved infrastructure to facilitate adoption of electric propulsion in fishing fleets, while also underscoring the fact that electric propulsion will not be appropriate or desirable for all fleets and vessels.
Volume 5: Alternative Liquid and Gaseous Fuels
In this volume: This volume assesses prospects for using alternative liquid and gaseous fuels in commercial fishing vessels, including biomass-derived fuels (e.g., waste vegetable oil, biodiesel, renewable diesel, renewable natural gas) and power-to-fuel options (e.g., hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and e-diesel), outlining potential benefits and limitations of each fuel type as articulated by potential end users in the fishing industry, providing insights for future innovation pathways and illuminating areas where enabling programs could be most useful.
Volume 6: Additional Alternative Power Sources
In this volume: This volume explores several innovative alternative propulsion and power generation technologies for possible use on commercial fishing vessels, including sail propulsion and electrical power generation from solar, wave, and nuclear energy. Wind-assisted propulsion through use of sails is currently used by a portion of the Pacific albacore fleet and is valued for extending range, saving fuel, and stabilizing vessels, while newer concepts like kite propulsion and rotor sails are also of interest to fishermen.